For more than 30 years, Daisy Data Displays, Inc. has been developing a reputation for quality products, exceptional value and long-term support for all of our customers. We stand behind each of our products with individualized service that respects your budget and your timeline.

Our computer and monitor systems come standard with a one-year warranty. One call to our team is all it takes to get immediate attention from one of our engineers or repair experts.

Service Support for as Long as You Own Your Purchase

We custom-build many of our computers and monitors to meet our customers’ specifications. Your custom is our standard. Our repair technicians have extensive training, and the necessary tools, to repair the units that have been out in the field.

While we build our computers to be reliable in any situation, they may need repairs and service. When this happens, you can count on us for timely service. We can 3D-print custom replacement parts or even re-engineer your purchase from the ground up. To determine the best way forward, contact our Tech Support department directly. We will work with you to develop a repair plan that minimizes further downtime and gets your systems back up and running at 100%.

Warranty Information

We stand behind all of our products — with the exception of specifically indicated Value-Added Resale (VAR) components — with a 12-month warranty covering design, materials, workmanship and performance. If your purchase is defective, we will replace it or perform the necessary repairs free of charge, provided there is no evidence of abuse or misuse causing the damage.

Daisy’s products have various listings and certifications. Compliance with any regulatory standards is contingent on proper installation and use by qualified personnel.

Contact Daisy for Any Industrial Computer Repair

Whether or not a warranty covers your purchase, we perform all industrial computer repairs in our sophisticated facility and test thoroughly to ensure proper performance. Contact our team today for more information.