Benefits of Rugged Computers for 5 Different Industries

Computers are on job sites everywhere, from cold and wet to hot and dusty. Daisy Data Displays (Daisy) deliver functionality and form that capitalize on the industrial benefits of rugged computers in some of the toughest and most physically rigorous environments.


Military-grade laptops and rugged PCs are the epitome of tough. They operate in the field across multiple deployments and offer protection against a variety of liquids, extreme temperatures and large shocks. By making tough devices that are easy to read in any lighting scenario, our armed forces can ensure that orders are delivered and followed quickly, intel is delivered securely in the field and that maintenance costs are diminished even in dangerous zones.

Oil and Gas

Refineries reap the industrial benefits of rugged computers. Exposure to a wide range of harsh chemicals, rugged PCs operate through explosions, chemical exposure and extreme temperatures (both hot and cold). Rugged PCs allow workers to collect and monitor as needed without losing data or creating risks as employees are forced to work with inputs that are unfriendly to a single hand.


Harsh, corrosive chemicals are commonplace in pharmaceutical and food processing environments. Rugged PCs can withstand these elements and meet all requirements for hazardous safety. Daisy’s rugged PCs not only survive exposure, but they remain fully functional, preventing contamination or further problems. Rugged computers benefit these industries — and others — by also offering reduced-power options to minimize footprint and requirements on the go or on the line.


Construction sites and quarries are fast-moving endeavors with a significant amount of shock, vibration and debris. Rugged computers can withstand the abuse and still operate effectively. There is little risk of data loss, high maintenance costs or be stuck with a form factor that’s hard to use at any stage in the construction process.


Industrial-strength, rugged computers find themselves on all sides of the automotive industry. Daisy’s rugged computers can be used in police cruisers where there’s always the chance of a pit maneuver, as well as streamlining the manufacturing process by working on the line.

Automotive PCs need to withstand the manufacturing process through crash testing, and while on the assembly line, they also need to be immune to the dust, oil, dirt, sparks and more that fly continuously. Robotic arms linked to rugged PCs are already improving workplace conditions by protecting workers. The double-win of increased productivity and safety is definitely a proud moment for any rugged PC maker.

Our models can handle all this and more. Now that you know how rugged computers benefit many industries, you can see why so many Make it Daisy!